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Fundamental Concepts of Interface Segregation Principle

Interface Segregation Principle (ISP)

Fundamental Concepts

Granularity of Interfaces

The concept of granularity in interfaces refers to the size and scope of the methods they provide.

  • Fine-Grained Interfaces: These are small, focused interfaces that provide a specific set of methods related to a particular aspect of functionality. For example, instead of a single Vehicle interface with methods for all types of vehicles, you might have Steerable and EngineOperable interfaces that provide steering and engine-related methods, respectively. Fine-grained interfaces are easier to implement and understand because they only contain methods relevant to a specific functionality.

  • Large, Monolithic Interfaces: These interfaces provide a broad set of methods that cover multiple functionalities. While they might seem convenient, they can lead to several issues, such as forcing classes to implement methods they do not need or use. This increases the complexity and reduces the maintainability of the code.

Fine-grained interfaces promote better modularity and reduce the implementation burden on classes, making the codebase cleaner and more manageable.

Client-Specific Interfaces

Designing client-specific interfaces means creating interfaces tailored to the specific needs of different clients.

  • Tailored to Needs: Each client or class should only depend on the methods it actually uses. For instance, if a Printer interface has methods for both printing documents and scanning, a class that only prints documents should not be forced to implement the scanning methods. Instead, separate Printer and Scanner interfaces should be created, allowing classes to implement only the methods they need.

  • Improved Decoupling: By providing client-specific interfaces, the system becomes more decoupled. Changes to one interface do not affect other parts of the system, reducing the risk of bugs and making the system more flexible.

  • Enhanced Maintainability: Smaller, client-specific interfaces are easier to maintain. They provide a clear contract between the client and the interface, making it easier to understand and modify the code.


Consider a media player application with interfaces for playing audio and video:

interface AudioPlayer {
void playAudio();
void stopAudio();

interface VideoPlayer {
void playVideo();
void stopVideo();

class MusicPlayer implements AudioPlayer {
public void playAudio() {
System.out.println("Playing audio");

public void stopAudio() {
System.out.println("Stopping audio");

By creating these specific interfaces, we ensure that classes only implement the methods they need, leading to a more modular and maintainable design.

By understanding these fundamental concepts of ISP, developers can create more focused, maintainable, and scalable systems that are easier to understand and modify.