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Implementation Strategies for Interface Segregation Principle

Interface Segregation Principle (ISP)

Implementation Strategies

Interface Composition

One effective strategy for implementing the Interface Segregation Principle (ISP) is to use composition over inheritance. Composition involves building complex types by combining simpler ones, allowing for greater flexibility and reusability.

  • Combining Interfaces: Instead of creating a single, large interface with multiple methods, break it down into smaller, more focused interfaces. Classes can then implement multiple smaller interfaces as needed, composing the required functionality.
  • Example:
    • Before (Inheritance):
interface Machine {
void print(Document doc);
void scan(Document doc);
void fax(Document doc);

class MultiFunctionPrinter implements Machine {
public void print(Document doc) {
System.out.println("Printing document");

public void scan(Document doc) {
System.out.println("Scanning document");

public void fax(Document doc) {
System.out.println("Faxing document");
  • After (Composition):
interface Printer {
void print(Document doc);

interface Scanner {
void scan(Document doc);

interface Fax {
void fax(Document doc);

class MultiFunctionPrinter implements Printer, Scanner, Fax {
public void print(Document doc) {
System.out.println("Printing document");

public void scan(Document doc) {
System.out.println("Scanning document");

public void fax(Document doc) {
System.out.println("Faxing document");

In the composition approach, the MultiFunctionPrinter class implements multiple smaller interfaces, each representing a specific functionality. This approach follows ISP by providing only the necessary methods for each client.

Role Interfaces

Role interfaces are another strategy for implementing ISP. A role interface represents a specific behavior or role that an object can perform. By defining role interfaces, you can create more flexible and reusable designs.

  • Focused Interfaces: Each role interface defines a specific set of methods related to a particular role. For example, instead of a general Employee interface, you might have Manager and Engineer interfaces, each with methods relevant to their roles.
  • Example:
interface Manager {
void conductMeeting();

interface Engineer {
void developSoftware();

class TeamLead implements Manager, Engineer {
public void conductMeeting() {
System.out.println("Conducting a meeting");

public void developSoftware() {
System.out.println("Developing software");

In this example, the TeamLead class implements both Manager and Engineer role interfaces, providing the specific functionality required by each role. This approach aligns with ISP by creating focused interfaces that represent specific behaviors.

By utilizing interface composition and role interfaces, developers can effectively implement the Interface Segregation Principle, leading to more modular, maintainable, and flexible code.